Our School » Principal's Communications

Principal's Communications


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Royal Sunset High School, the continuation high school of San Lorenzo Unified School District. I’m excited about the opportunity to work with our new and continuing staff to serve the needs of our students and families.  While we always anticipate challenges, we welcome the opportunity for reflection and growth.  We are confident that the strength of our community will further bond us as learners so that we will collectively and individually experience success. 


Royal Sunset serves students, age 16 and above, who are credit deficient and will likely not meet the graduation requirements at one of the district’s three comprehensive high schools.  Royal Sunset requires 180 credits to graduate instead of the 220 credits required at Arroyo, East Bay Arts and San Lorenzo High Schools.  Because of the smaller student population and smaller class size, students get the individualized attention they need in order to succeed.  We are on the hexmester (every 6 weeks) grading system, allowing our students to earn credits at a faster rate of completion than a comprehensive site.  We also offer various ways for students to earn credits including online credit recovery, demonstrating competency by examination, regular attendance at Panther Hour, independent contracts, enrollment in the Eden Area Regional Occupation Program (EAROP), and participation in extracurricular activities.


The keys to success at Royal Sunset are excellent attendance, productive time in class, belief in oneself, seeking out support, and establishing realistic and attainable goals. We have wonderful teachers, office staff, counselors, a career center specialist, and administrators here to address the academic, social and emotional needs of students. Because of our small student and teacher population, the courses we offer are geared towards meeting graduation requirements. There are not many electives offered, nor are there specific classes to support English Language Development. Students who are not on track to graduate by the end of their 12th grade year are placed on the Adult School track so that they can transfer to the Adult School to earn their diploma through adult education.


Students who would like to transfer to Royal Sunset must meet with their counselor at AHS, EBA, SLZHS for an application. Students must have family permission to apply. Students being accepted into Royal Sunset will be brought in at the beginning of a hexmester and must meet for an orientation meeting with school staff and a parent/guardian.  We are located on the corner of Royal and W. Sunset in Hayward.  Please feel free to contact us at (510) 317-4411 for additional information and to ask whatever questions you may have. I look forward to speaking to prospective students and their families.


In service,

Alex Harp
