First Day of School is Wednesday, August 21st, 2019.

The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21st, 2019.  Students with morning classes should arrive by 8:15am to pickup their schedule. Afternoon classes begin at 12:02pm, students should arrive by 11:50am to pick up their schedule. 
All students must go online through Aeries Family Portal and follow the Confirmation of Information process. Read the September packet online and then print out and sign the Confirmation Authorization form.  
NEW to Royal Sunset students - call Mrs. Tavares at 510-317-4451 to set up an Intake Appointment. Bring the Confirmation Authorization form with you. All other forms will be provided at the intake appointment. 
RETURNING students -- drop off the Confirmation Authorization form and fill out a registration card during office hours on Wednesday 8/14 or Friday 8/16 between 9am and 3pm. 
Open lab for registration of form drop off: Tues 8/6 1-4pm; Wed 8/7 5-7pm; Thur 8/8 9am-12pm